Allow me to share some of the insights from my E-Book- The Great Ball Strikers

This book has received an abnormally high volume of five star  ***** ratings and highly praised comments and feedback.

It was a joy to write and a joy to share with the golfer who wants to become better.

It will be the perfect addition to your golf library and golf knowledge.

To purchase and download click here E-Book The Great Ball Strikers

Here is Chapter 2: Impact & The Flat Left Wrist

     Faking a flat left wrist alignment at impact will not guarantee much except maybe a better looking impact for a still photograph

     Throwing the arms away and off the body to lead the hands or driving the club down into the ground are falsities designed to get a look rather than have the look occur as a result of better intentions or imperatives.

     In my own swing I am trying to release my hands so hard via arm rotation at the bottom of the swing that I am feel like I am doing the complete opposite to trying to get that left wrist flattened out and leading. I am actually trying to avoid the flat left wrist so I can utilize the proper loft of the club.

     However because my pivot has been trained to kick in and take over beyond impact and my pivot is actually outracing my ability to fire the clubhead past it- I end up with the flat left wrist anyhow.

     The body will want to clear itself out of the way as it progresses target wards during the release. Remember the target is left and forward of our side on view. As the left hip cannot continue to move laterally - the left hip will begin to open up. The more lateral the progression of the hip movement, the more open the hips may want to become.

     This is the great illusion of impact. The hands ahead of the clubhead is imperative. The goal is to not attempt to dump or push then forward by disconnecting the arms from the trunk in the process.

   Lateral motion of the lower body incorporated with the desire to have the body overtake the release gets the wrist hand and grip alignments that people drool over. Don’t fake it- Make it.

     The flat left wrist is really a creation of pivot thrust and not just a fixed alignment.

     The flat left wrist is not a geometric alignment that is mutually exclusive to the forces that create it. It CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be forced in and of itself. It MUST be created by force and the force is pivot thrust.

     You never even have to feel like the wrist is flat. FLAT HAPPENS.

     When we make a swing at the ball, with the amount of work we have done on the training drills and the consideration we have put into firing the pivot post impact then you will gain a flat left wrist as a result- almost by accident.

     Impact and low point is a complex situation because of a number of critical elements. It’s consistency can be affected by the position of the knees, the lower back, wristcock, right arm, shoulder rotation and stance width. A good golfer can be so talented through practice and sensations learned that even a faulty move encompassing one of the above can still be beautifully corrected by some opposing action to cancel out the issue- therein lies the complexity.

     My drill series helps clean up a lot of this stuff along the way- like working the shoulders more rotary and level post impact, or freezing the right arm to resist it straightening, minimizing wristcock by using aggressive forearm rotation and stabilizing the lower body better with our ground force work. Even then once things are in place the best we can, there is still no 100% guarantee of a perfect low point all the time. All good players hit poor shots- because all those needs have to be communicating together in the backdrop of our subconscious mind.

     Finding a workable low point is developing better awareness. Something simple like sweeping the grass with a club in a consistent fashion over and over, or going to a field and belting out divots in a line are great tools.

     Every golfers low point will be differing to some degree based on many things but mostly by the effectiveness of how they release the club. True low point of a proper golf swing is not something we can force by positioning the ball in some stock position inside the left heel or under the left armpit- all those things can be thrown out- because as soon as the club is taken away from the address position everything moves and changes.

Build up from short swings to half swings and ultimately do full swings- gain confidence and feedback from each session that you can utilize and adjust to.